SW Postcode Area (Postal Code) – South West London TV http://swltv.local Online TV by Londoners, for Londoners Wed, 05 Jul 2023 13:10:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.13 https://southwestlondon.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/cropped-Logo-Roach-Plastic-Wrap-75pc-1-32x32.png SW Postcode Area (Postal Code) – South West London TV http://swltv.local 32 32 Winter Wonderland by Love Wimbledon https://southwestlondon.tv/winter-wonderland-by-love-wimbledon/ https://southwestlondon.tv/winter-wonderland-by-love-wimbledon/#respond Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:56:27 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/winter-wonderland-by-love-wimbledon/
Dashing around Centre Court shopping centre, Denise Waterman has just enough time from her compère duties to introduce this year’s Winter Wonderland. Festive fun and good cheer for all…

See also our full length video of the amazing performance by “Flawless”.

Merry Christmas from everyone here at South West London TV!


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Vote for your Favourite Presenter and Best Video on SWL.TV https://southwestlondon.tv/vote-for-your-favourite-presenter-and-best-video-on-swl-tv/ https://southwestlondon.tv/vote-for-your-favourite-presenter-and-best-video-on-swl-tv/#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:02:53 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/vote-for-your-favourite-presenter-and-best-video-on-swl-tv/

Congratulations to Des Cooney who won the draw for Best Video (Delicious Monsters at the Pump House Gallery), and AlJeffersonA1 for Best Presenter (Denise Waterman). They both get to suggest a charity or business in SW London which will receive a free video report worth £500.

Original competition text as follows:

Kelly tells you how to enter two special competitions to win a video report worth £500 for the local charity or business of your choice in South West London.

SMALL PRINT: No purchase necessary. To enter, just post a comment against your favourite Video or Presenter on this channel explaining why they get your vote. Videos uploaded after 1 August 2013 don’t count. You must be a subscriber to our YouTube channel and if you vote more than once for either category (Best Presenter, and Best Video) all your entries will be disallowed. Valid entries will be put into two separate random draws. The winner of each draw will be invited to select a Charity or Business in the South West London area and we’ll make a free 3-5 minute video report about them to appear on this channel before the end of 2013. The selection must be suitable for YouTube viewers and fit with our “Ethos” published on www.swl.tv. The winners and their selected Charity or Business will be announced on Twitter (@SWLTV) in late August 2013.

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Showreel – Pre Launch https://southwestlondon.tv/showreel-pre-launch/ https://southwestlondon.tv/showreel-pre-launch/#comments Tue, 21 May 2013 01:17:57 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/showreel-pre-launch/
Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel if you like what you see!

We’re a friendly bunch and would love some feedback, so please feel free to leave comments here on YouTube, email us (editor@southwestlondon.tv) or contact us on Twitter (@SWLTV).

https://southwestlondon.tv/showreel-pre-launch/feed/ 22
Cameron Whiley talks about “Reh Reh Reh” https://southwestlondon.tv/cameron-whiley-talks-about-reh-reh-reh/ https://southwestlondon.tv/cameron-whiley-talks-about-reh-reh-reh/#respond Sat, 18 May 2013 15:28:40 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/cameron-whiley-talks-about-reh-reh-reh/
Cameron Whiley talks to Joe Forrester from South West London TV about the inspiration behind “Reh Reh Reh” and some fun moments making the video.

Filmed at Mission Recording Studios http://www.missionlimited.com/

Follow Cameron at www.twitter.com/cameronwhiley and subscribe to SWL.TV for the full interview – coming soon!

Original music video “Reh Reh Reh” here: http://youtu.be/shgEA5mfcpQ

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