SW8 – South West London TV http://swltv.local Online TV by Londoners, for Londoners Wed, 05 Jul 2023 06:03:19 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.13 https://southwestlondon.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/cropped-Logo-Roach-Plastic-Wrap-75pc-1-32x32.png SW8 – South West London TV http://swltv.local 32 32 Keep the 19 bus route in Battersea https://southwestlondon.tv/keep-the-19-bus-route-in-battersea/ https://southwestlondon.tv/keep-the-19-bus-route-in-battersea/#comments Fri, 14 Dec 2018 14:41:37 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/keep-the-19-bus-route-in-battersea/
The number 19 bus runs from Battersea Bridge Road to Finsbury Park and is a well-used route connecting thousands of people every day from the borough to central and north London.

Under proposals put forward by the Mayor the route will be changed so it only runs from Finsbury Park to Holborn where it will terminate.

Full article by Wandsworth Borough Council here:

https://southwestlondon.tv/keep-the-19-bus-route-in-battersea/feed/ 18
Wandsworth Home Ownership scheme https://southwestlondon.tv/wandsworth-home-ownership-scheme/ https://southwestlondon.tv/wandsworth-home-ownership-scheme/#comments Fri, 21 Sep 2018 02:26:53 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/wandsworth-home-ownership-scheme/
Shelly Palmer visits one of the home development projects in Wandsworth and speaks to Council Leader Ravi Govindia about the regional and national Housing Crisis.

https://southwestlondon.tv/wandsworth-home-ownership-scheme/feed/ 1
The New American Embassy at Nine Elms https://southwestlondon.tv/the-new-american-embassy-at-nine-elms/ https://southwestlondon.tv/the-new-american-embassy-at-nine-elms/#comments Tue, 28 Nov 2017 11:34:19 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/the-new-american-embassy-at-nine-elms/
As part of a longer report looking at developments in the Nine Elms area of Wandsworth, Alastair Greener was given an exclusive interview with Courtney Austrian from the new American Embassy. Here’s a short excerpt from that interview…

https://southwestlondon.tv/the-new-american-embassy-at-nine-elms/feed/ 5