Taylor Wimpey – South West London TV http://swltv.local Online TV by Londoners, for Londoners Wed, 05 Jul 2023 04:18:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.13 https://southwestlondon.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/cropped-Logo-Roach-Plastic-Wrap-75pc-1-32x32.png Taylor Wimpey – South West London TV http://swltv.local 32 32 Development Plans for York Road and Winstanley Estates: 4 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-4/ https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-4/#comments Fri, 21 Sep 2018 01:58:57 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-4/
This is the final report in a short series of videos about the regeneration plans for the York Road and Winstanley Estates in Wandsworth.

In this episode, local resident and spokesperson Marlene Price has the chance to ask Council Leader Ravi Govindia and MD of Taylor Wimpey, Lee Bishop, about plans for the area and how they will affect local residents.

You can click on the following links to go directly to each question:

Right to Return for residents and leaseholders: 0:36
Unit Size and allocations in future phases: 1:16
Creating a Community, not just disjointed housing: 1:54
Liaison Officer and handling issues: 2:42
Considerate Construction and managing disruption: 3:08
Fitted Kitchens: 3:45


https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-4/feed/ 1
Development Plans for York Road and Winstanley Estates: 1 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-1/ https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-1/#comments Fri, 21 Sep 2018 01:58:48 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-1/
This is the first report in a short series of videos about the regeneration plans for the York Road and Winstanley Estates in Wandsworth.

In this episode, Pia Jackson introduces the area and some of the changes planned to start in 2018.


https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-1/feed/ 2
Development Plans for York Road and Winstanley Estates: 2 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-2/ https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-2/#respond Fri, 21 Sep 2018 01:58:42 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-2/
This is the second report in a short series of videos about the regeneration plans for the York Road and Winstanley Estates in Wandsworth.

In this episode, Pia Jackson talks to Lee Bishop from Taylor Wimpey about the changes planned to start in 2018.


https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-2/feed/ 0
Development Plans for York Road and Winstanley Estates: 3 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-3/ https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-3/#respond Fri, 21 Sep 2018 01:58:36 +0000 https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-3/
This is the third report in a short series of videos about the regeneration plans for the York Road and Winstanley Estates in Wandsworth.

In this episode, Pia Jackson talks to Wandsworth Council Leader Ravi Govindia about his vision for the regenerated area.


https://southwestlondon.tv/development-plans-for-york-road-and-winstanley-estates-3/feed/ 0