
Nine Elms – Battersea Dogs and Cats Homes

Battersea Cats & Dogs Homes is synonymous with the area that has been home for nearly 160 years. During that time much has changed around it, including the iconic chimneys that form Battersea Power Station. Chief Executive Claire Horton talks about how the charity is forging a bright future as part of Nine Elms. This short video is an excerpt from our recent behind the scenes documentary on the Nine Elms development in London. If you enjoyed this video, please have a look at the full report here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7MTjes0vBU www.wandsworth.gov.uk/nineelms @NineElmsTeam

Behind the scenes – filming children’s ‘Lockdown’ stories in Battersea

Nine Elms – Behind the scenes in London’s newest district

Every day thousands of commuters pass the new and emerging buildings that are beginning to change London’s skyline on the South Bank. To tell the story of what's happening behind the skyline at Nine Elms, Wandsworth Council commissioned this mini-documentary which looks at the redevelopment of a once barren industrial area from the perspective of new and old tenants. www.wandsworth.gov.uk/nineelms www.nineelmslondon.com @NineElmsTeam

Al fresco boost for Battersea street