
Darling Magazine South African Ladies’ Networking Event

Pia Jackson has the pleasure of attending the quarterly networking event hosted by Wimbledon's own Darling Magazine. www.darlingmagazine.co.uk @darlingmagazine www.radiancehealthandbeauty.co.uk @radiancehealthb www.thepilatesclinic.com @thepilatesclnic www.styleambition.co.uk/ @StyleAmbitionUK www.sportscience.gb.com/ @jennyhwalker www.konigkitchens.com

Al fresco boost for Battersea street

Art and Cocktails at Cannizaro House

Pia Jackson invites you to join her for an evening of culture and cocktails at the Cannizaro House Hotel. The hotel now hosts a quarterly exhibition of local art in a stunning location with delicious people and memorable cocktails... or is it the other way round? http://www.cannizarohouse.com/new-art-at-cannizaro/ @cannizarohouse http://www.flickr.com/photos/taylortorrphotography/

Al fresco boost for Battersea street